Quantum Cloud

Quantum knowledge(information) around us:

-Arif Faisal Ahmed

Quantum Cloud – A philosophical Approach

If we go in a library then we are surrounded by lots of books. If we read all the books in the library one by one then we get knowledge about all the subjects. But if we read the books of one subject only then we will not get the knowledge about other subjects.

We know that to read all the books in a library is quite impossible task;but if someone manages to do it by doing very hard work then the person will be able to gather all the knowledge in those books.

Likewise, we are always in a library of quantum knowledge
(information),surrounded by quantum related information. If we can harness that knowledge somehow then we would get huge knowledge and I think that enlightenment means utilizing that knowledge completely, though it is very hard task. 

But meditation (very high concentration) and connecting and communicating the inner quantum information to the quantum knowledge.It seems like that the knowledge is uploaded in the cloud of quantum knowledge by the ultimate source of knowledge. The knowledge that we get is destined (hope so). The knowledge (the formulae, equations, laws, theories, etc.) that comes out from human being’s mind are all already in the cloud of quantum knowledge.

The formulae , equations , laws etc. which came to existence in the past or which is at present or which will come to existence in future are all , already present in the cloud. If anyone understands it , he/she will discover it.

As for example: If Mr. X in 2005 has discovered A for the first time but further study found that Mr. Y had already written about it in 1547.

This shows that both of them at their respective time got that knowledge from the quantum information cloud.

A hypothetical approach 😅


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